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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Heavy is the Heart
Mood:  sad

Heavy is the Heart
Current mood: crushed
Category: Friends

It is heavy heart I have learned that a person I once counted a friend has made the decision to turn away from Truth. It is with heavy heart I learn he has made a decision about his faith. I knew him to be a seeker, someone who was trying to determine what he really believed in, and I guess now he has made a decision. Years of prayer, years of witness, and years of hope. I want to say it was all for Naught, but I know better. I know the Truth, and I also know that we are to pray for those like he. With a heavy heart I took him off my friends list. Was this the right decision? I don't know, and I won't know for a while or I may never know. I am saddended that he would choose the path he has chosen, and I am saddened more that he knows the Truth, and yet rejects it. I am saddended, and despaired. My only hope is that life is not over, and there is time. I will continue to pray for him, and his family too. I will pray for his soul. There are certain people I hope will pray with me too.

Posted by Honeybeebug at 3:26 PM PST | Post Comment | Permalink

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