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His Hand Is Upon Me
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another Year
Mood:  on fire
Topic: His Hand Is Upon Me

Another Year
Current mood: hopeful
Category: Life


Well another year has gone and a new one has arrived. It's been awhile since I have posted anything. I don't even know who reads my posts when I do post. No matter. 2008 is a good year so far, and 2007 was a good one too. Let me see, my brother and his wife had another baby. His name is Andrew. And Carlene, my brother's oldest is growing so very fast. Tom's parents took us on a cruise in Florida, well first we went to Disney world, and then a cruise, See my post for July. The Lord has blessed us with family, friends, a home, a dog, a surrogate sibling for the dog, and more family. My job has been challenging, I now work in the court area at work, and the demands of court keep me busy. Tom is ever so patient and ever so understanding. The only regret I have from 2007, is my walk with my Lord, it hasn't been as strong as I would like. My faith has waivered so and has been challened in such a way I actually did begin to question what was truth, and wasn't. The awesome thing is that Jesus never gives up, never leaves, never doubts, always perseveres, and always always woos. So many times have I questioned my position here at work, and always there is answer, a dream realized, a moment become deja vu, client's strength recognized. Just when I was wondering about my faith, never failed, something would happen or be sad or done that either re-instated it, or stregthened it. I still need to return to church. I realize my lack of church attendance is stemming from being hurt at church years ago, and I need to get over it, build that bridge and move on across it. Not always easy. Reading? not happening. Verses memorized long forgotten brought to forfront of my mind? yah no doubt, definitely, wow so much so that I didn't realize they were memorized. Odd feeling too, since I haven't been reading, those verses long forgotten and long ago memorized still there. I know I am blessed by the Lord, and I am loved. I know that continually He enlarges my territory, has his hand upon and helping me to not cause pain, but to help take pain away. I know His will is being fulfilled in me, and I know that he is with me. I also know that someday somehow we will be blessed with a wee one, and for whatever reason, we haven't been so as of yet. Hopes are raised high, only to be plummetted, more than once more than twice ... too many times last year. 2008 is a new year, full of hopes and dreams again.  Maybe this will be the year, maybe not. I am going to focus on my walk, my faith, and my belief in Christ and my love for him. maybe my stress will diminish, maybe my fears of unknown will dissipate like my fear of spiders is gone forever. I'm healed of that fear! Praise God. I am going to read more, and trust more, and be more thoughtful, more considerate, and say please and thank you and your welcome.  I'm going to learn new recipes and find new favorites. I have learned I like some spice (not alot)  in my food. I will return to the Fellowhip.  I only pray that the Lord will bless my friends, family, and co-workers.  

Happy New Year everyone


Posted by Honeybeebug at 3:44 PM PST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:51 PM PDT

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