Welcome to my home page. This site is a simple doorway to that which interests me. Every
now and then, I will update this site, add a different picture to this particulare page, update my blog, or what ever
else I decide to write about. When I was in college I had a professor who encouraged the skill of creative writing. I don't
write professionally, nor do I write academically. I have a desire to put on paper what I am interested in, or what is on
my mind. Fiction or Non Fiction, it doesn't matter. Sometimes, this will include a quote or two that has interested me, or
a subject matter I need to comtemplate. I have tried writing, pen to paper, but I find typing my medium. Sometimes the
pen cannot express that which the keyboard is more equipped and quicker to communicate. So, as you peruse the links on this
sight, please feel free to read my few thoughts placed on each page, check out my blog and let me know you stopped by and
what you thought by signing my guest book or leaving a comment on the blog. Take care.
Honey's Blog
Contact Me
A Wedding To Remember

I hope to update this page often with new photos.